Intercultural Philosophy projects and events

Projects and publications in 2013

       I. Projects

Projects and publications in 2012

       I. Projects

Projects and publications in 2011

       I. Projects

Projects and publications in 2010

       I. Projects

Projects and publications in 2009

       I. Projects


Projects and publications in 2008

I. Projects

January 24: Participation of Heinz Kimmerle in a meeting at the house of the publisher Boom in Amsterdam about the translation of Hegels ‘Grundlinien der Philosophie des Rechts’ into Dutch.

February 22: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle at a conference on ‘Prinzipien interkultureller Dialoge’ at the University of Ulm in Southern Germany.

March 24: Participation of Heinz Kimmerle at a meeting in the ‘Haus der Kulturen’ in Berlin; preparing together with Professor Rudolf Prinz zur Lippe a conference in Sarajewo on ‘Entweder – Oder. Ein falsches Denkmodell’.

April 18: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle at a conference of the Internationale Hegel-Gesellschaft in Zadar (Croatia) on ‘Staat und Kultur bei Hegel, Derrida und in der afrikanischen Philosophie‘.

May 3: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle at a conference in the ‘Internationale School voor Wijsbegeerte’ in Leusden (Netherlands) on ‘Methodologieën van comparatieve and interculturele filosofie. Een confrontatie’.

May 21: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle at a conference at the University of Oldenburg on ‘Kernthemen der interkulturellen Dialoge zwischen afrikanischen und europäisch-westlichen Philosophien‘.

July 4: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle at a conference of the Goethe Institut in Sarajewo on ‘Kritik am Entweder-Oder-Denken aus afrikanischer Sicht‘.

July 10: Lectures of Heinz Kimmerle at the Wereldmuseum in Rotterdam on ‘Spiritualiteit in het Afrikaanse denken en de Afrikaanse kunst’.

September 10: Lecture at a congress of the Internationale Hegel-Gesellschaft in Leuven (Belgium) on ‘Der Lebensbegriff als Grundbegriff des Hegelschen Denkens in den Jahren 1800 bis 1802‘.

October 11: Lectures of Heinz Kimmerle at the school Filosofie Oost-West in Utrecht on ‚Afrikaanse filosofie in de context van een wereldfilosofie’.

December 1: Arrangement of the exposition ‘Schilderijen, tekeningen en een grafiek van Friederike Kimmerle, Kambel Dieng en Klaus Bönnighausen en Beelden van kunstenaars uit Zuid Afrika en West Afrika’ at Galerie Inter in Zoetermeer by Friederike Kimmerle.

II. Publications by Heinz Kimmerle

Spiegelungen westlichen und afrikanischen Denkens, Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz (Interkulturelle Bibliothek, Band 58)

Appiahs Weg zum Kosmopolitismus und die ›neue Internationale‹ der Kosmopoliten, in: H.R. Yousefi/K. Fischer/R. Kather/P. Gerdsen (eds), Wege zur Kultur, Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz, p. 213-231.

The Concept of Person in African Thought. A Dialogue between African and Western Philosophies, in: H. Wautischer (ed), Ontology and Consciousness. Percipient Action, Cambridge, MA/London: The MIT Press, p. 507-524.

Waarom Interculturele Filosofie. Een antwoord aan Ulrich Libbrecht, in: Filosofie, vol. 18,2, nr. 102, p. 32-36.

De strijd over de ethnofilosofie, in: Filosofie, vol 18,4, nr.104, p. 33-34.

Die schwere Last der Komplementarität. Antwort auf Innocent I. Asouzus Kritik an der interkulturellen Philosophie, in: polylog. Zeitschrift für interkulturelles Philosophieren, nr. 19, p. 99-111.

Hegels beoordeling van Afrika. Een deconstructieve lectuur van Hegels rechtvaardiging van het kolonialisme, in: J. Buve/T. Slootweg (eds), Hegel ectueel. Over de betekenis van het Hegeliaanse denken voor wetenschap, religie en politiek in de XXIe eeuw, Deventer: Universitaire Pers, p. 149-166.

Rezension von Elke Angelika Wachendorfff, Friedrich Nietzsche. Denker der Interkulturalität, Norhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz 2006, in: V. gerhardt/R. Reschke (eds), Nietzscheforschung, Jahrbuch der Nietzschegesellschaft, Band 15, Berlin: Akademie Verlag, p. 327-331.

Wo liegt Nietzsches Über-Europa? Das ambivalente Verhältnis Nietzsches zu primär mündlich kommunizierenden Kulturen, in: A.U. Sommer (ed), Nietzsche – Philosoph der Kultur(en), Berlin/New York: Walter de Gruyter, p.499-517.

Die Welt der Geister und die Achtung vor der Natur. Eine neue Bewertung des Animismus, in: C. Bickmann/M. Wirtz/H.-J. Scheidgen (eds), Religion und Philosophie im Widerstreit, Nordhausen: Verlag Traugott Bautz, Studien zur interkulturellen Philosophie, vol. 18, part 2, p. 555-572.

Von Hegels Rechtfertigung des Kolonialismus zur interkulturellen Philosophie, in: L. Miodonskiego (ed), Geschichte und Philosophie vor und nach Hegel, Wroclaw: GS Media, p. 33-53.


Projects in 2007

January 26: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Hegel en het animisme' at the Geert Groote Universiteit (in oprichting) in Deventer.

February 2, 9, 16, 23 and March 2, 9, 16, 23: Eight times two lectures for HOVO Leiden on 'Dialogen tussen Afrikaanse en westerse filosofieën'.

March 15: Opening of the four weeks' exhibition of the Ultramar-group with artists from Zoetermeer and La Palma at the Sala O'Dali Gallery in Santa Cruz de La Palma.

March 27: Conference of the former (Kimmerle and Mall) and the new editors (Oosterling and Scheidgen) and the publisher (Rodopi Editions) of 'Studies in Intercultural Philosophy' at Erasmus University Rotterdam

April 2: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Belief in spirits in African thought' and opening of an exhibition of Venda-art and of paintings by Friederike Kimmerle at the Lloyd Hotel in Amsterdam

May 30: Participation of Heinz Kimmerle at a conference on the ongoing project of Antoni Folkers on 'Bouwen in Afrika' at the Technical University in Eindhoven

June 17: Opening of an exhibition of work by Friederike Kimmerle on 'Geister in Bäumen' and lecture of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Warum bevorzugen Geister Bäume als Wohnstätten?'at the Kreuzkirche in Darmstadt, Germany.

August 30: Opening of an exhibition of paintings on 'Greeting the sun' and other work by Friederike Kimmerle at Galerie Inter in Zoetermeer.

August 23-26: Participation of Heinz Kimmerle in the congress of the Nietzsche Gesellschaft in Naumburg, Germany, on 'Nietzsche - Philosoph der Kultur(en)?' and lecture on 'Wo liegt Nietzsches Über-Europa?'

September 9: Participation of Heinz Kimmerle and Ank Reinders at the opening of the exhibitions 'Grün-Zyklus' by Martina Gollhardt (photos) and Brigitte Bergamotte (paintings) at The St. Jacobuskirche and 'Sprache der Bäume' by Barbara Lemelsen (photos) and Sigrid Siegele (sculptures) at the Philippuskirche in Darmstadt, Germany.

September 19: Guest-lecture of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Ontwikkelingsdenken uit Afrikaans perspectief' at the University of Amsterdam.

October 6: Four lectures of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Afrikaanse filosofie in de context van een wereldfilosofie' at the school 'Filosofie Oost-West' at Utrecht.

October 12: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Inleiding tot de Afrikaanse filosofie' at the Radboud-University in Nijmegen.

October 27: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Speciale onderwerpen uit de Afrikaanse filosofie en kunst' at the Teylersmuseum in Haarlem.

November 10: Four lectures of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Literatuur als bron voor Afrikaanse filosofie' at the 'School voor comparatieve filosofie' in Antwerpen, Belgium.

November 19: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Inleiding tot de Afrikaanse filosofie' at the Filosofencafé in Zwolle.


Projects in 2006

March 14 and 21: Lectures of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Kort overzicht van de Afrikaanse filosofie' for the 'Wijsgerige kring' at Eindhoven, Netherlands.

April 5-9: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Die friedensfördernde Bedeutung der demokratischen Intention bei Kant, Hegel, Derrida und im afrikanischen Denken' for a symposium of the 'Internationale Hegel-Gesellschaft' at the University of Zadar, Croatia.

April 21: Participation of Heinz Kimmerle at the Editors' Board for a book on the basic knowledge for the school 'Filosofie Oost-West' at the house of the president of the school at Amsterdam.

April 24: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle on 'African philosophy through Ubuntu' for a symposium at the Lloyd Hotel and 'Culturele Ambassade' at Amsterdam, in connection with 'De maand van de filosofie' in the Netherlands

May 5: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Jacques Derridas interkulturelle Existenz' for a series of lectures of the 'Rosa Luxemburg Stiftung',at Senftenberg, Germany.

May 17: A painting of Friederike Kimmerle on 'Women's struggle' is hired for three months by the church 'De regenboog' at Zoetermeer, Netherlands

June 15: Submitting an article of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Kosmopolitisme en onvoorwaardelijke gastvrijheid bij Derrida' to the editors of the magazine 'Filosofie'.

June 23-25: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Vom dialektischen Gegensatz zwischen Leib und Seele zur spannungsvollen Einheit psychischer und physischer Existenz' for the 'Hegelkreis' at the University of Lübeck, Germany.

June 29: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle on 'De lange weg in het niets' for a symposium in connection with the 'Afscheidscollege' of Sander Griffioen at the Free University Amsterdam.

July 3: Participation of Heinz Kimmerle at the Editors' Board for a book on the basic knowledge for the school 'Filosofie Oost-West' at the house of the president of the school at Amsterdam.

July 7-9: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Geister in der Natur und die Verehrung von Bäumen im Animismus' on a symposium in honour of Joseph Beuys at the 'Atelierhaus Vahle' at Darmstadt, Germany.

July 9: Opening of an exposition of paintings of Friederike Kimmerle at the church of the 'Thomas-Gemeinde' at Darmstadt, Germany.

July 13-16:Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle making use of paintings of Friederike Kimmerle on 'Die Welt der Geister und die Achtung vor der Natur' for a congress of the 'Gesellschaft für interkulturelle Philosophie' on 'Philosophie und Religion' at the University of Cologne, Germany.

July 28-30: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Kosmopolitismus und unbedingte Gastfreundschaft bei Derrida' for a symposium at the University of Salzburg, Austria.

September 19-23:Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Kosmopolitismus bei Immanuel Kant und Kwame A. Appiah' for a congress of the 'Internationale Hegel-Gesellschaft' on 'Philosophie und Politik' at the University of Poznan, Poland.

September 30: Submitting an article of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Kunst im Leben. Eine interkulturelle Perspektive' for a book in honour of Ram Adhar Mall.

October 7: Four lectures of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Afrikaanse filosofie in de context van een wereldfilosofie' for the school 'Filosofie Oost-West' at Utrecht, Netherlands.

November 30: Submitting an article of Heinz Kimmerle on 'Worldview and Culture in African Thought' for a book on 'Worldviews and Cultures'


Projects in 2005

February 11-19, 2005: Heinz and Friederike Kimmerle travel to Venda in South Africa to discuss with Venda artist and collect some more pieces of art for the exhibitions Venda: Land of Legend in Amsterdam and Zoetermeer (see below)

March 2-30, 2005: Heinz Kimmerle gives 10 lectures at HOVO Rotterdam, Erasmus University, two per week, on ‘Reflecties op armoede in Westerse en Afrikaanse filosofieën’.

April 2-17, 2005: Friederike Kimmerle participates in the project 100% kunst in Zoetermeer.

April 8, 2005: Heinz Kimmerle gives a lecture on ‘De verhouding van lichaam en geest bij Hegel, Merleau-Ponty en in het Afrikaanse denken’ op het congres ‘Met drie ogen’ in honour of the retirement of Dr. Douwe Timersma from teaching at Erasmus University Rotterdam.

April 9-10, 2005: Open Atelierdagen in Zoetermeer, Galerie Inter is open for public.

May 10, 2005: Lecture of Heinz Kimmerle on ‘Die Ethik der Dekonstruktion’ at the University of Hannover.

May 23-27, 2005: Heinz Kimmerle participates in the congress on ‘Interkultutralität und die Dominanz von Kulturen’ at the Fachhochschule Senftenberg and gives a lecture on ‘Afrikanische Philosophie im Arbeitszusammenhang der interkulturellen Philosophie’

May 30, 2005: Heinz Kimmerle gives a lecture on ‘Afrikanische Philosophie im Kontext der Weltphilosophie’ at the Technische Universität Berlin.

August 15 – October 25, 2005: Exhibition ‘Venda: Land of Legend’ in the Zuid Afrika Huis in Amsterdam

October 15, 2005: Heinz Kimmerle gives four lectures on ‘Kunst en filosofie in het leven van Afrikaanse volkeren’ at the school ‘Filosofie Oost-West’ in Utrecht.

October 20-25, 2005: Final manifestations of the exhibition ‘Venda; Land of Legend’ in Amsterdam

October 27 – December 31, 2005: Exhibition ‘Venda; Land of Legend’ at the Municipal museum in Zoetermeer

October 27 – November 2, 2005: Opening manifestations of the exhibition ‘Venda; Land of Legend’ in Zoetermeer.

November 12, 2005: Heinz Kimmerle gives two lectures on ‘The meaning of nature in African philosophy’ at the school ‘Filosofie Oost-West’in Utrecht.

November 15, 2005: Heinz Kimmerle gives a lecture on ‘Toleranz ist nicht genug’ on the conference for philosophy teachers at German High Schools in Benzberg.

Venda: “Land of Legend”

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